414: Use the power of narrative to take your business to the next level with guest expert Gregory Diehl

Gregory Diehl, author of Brand Identity Breakthrough: How to Craft Your Company’s Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible

Bill Ringle and Gregory Diehl discuss the importance and use of story narrative to give your business the attention it deserves for small business leaders.

>>> Visit MyQuestforTheBest.com  for complete show notes and more expert advice and inspiring stories to propel your small business growth. My Quest for the Best is a top-rated small business podcast with over 300 episodes of thought-provoking and insightful interviews with today’s top thought leaders and business experts. Host Bill Ringle’s mission with this show is to provide the strategies, insights, and resources that will unlock the growth potential of your business through these powerful conversations.

Interview Insights

Top 3 Takeaways

  1. Invest in your clients as much as you can but do not be afraid to step back if they are unwilling to invest in their self-improvement as well.
  2. Creating your identity is important because customers buy into the story as much as they buy into what we’re selling.
  3. There are three ways to get money. Beg, steal, and earn. But only through earning do we give someone of great value worthy of their money.

Read the Show Notes from this Episode

  • Gregory passionately shares how Goerge Lucas and his vision that ultimately changed the film industry greatly inspired him growing up. [01:02]
  • How Goerge Lucas relates to his book Brand Identity Breakthrough. [04:32]
  • As teenagers, Gregory and his friends first came to truly appreciate the importance of the story in a brand when they were busking in California. [06:23]
  • Olivier Wagner is a client of Gregor’s whose job is to help American ex-pats with their taxes whom he helped create his personality brand. [14:34]
  • How Olivier’s business changed for the best after working with Gregory: He became more active in reaching out to people who are asking questions in platforms like Quora and Facebook. [18:28]
  • Beg, steal, or earn- Gregory elaborates on the three ways he thinks entrepreneurs earn money. [21:22]
  • Exploring the concept of Street Cat Marketing. [24:28]
  • Why emotional bond is a perfect hook for selling. [27:43]
  • My Quest for the Best Lightning Round begins [29:00]

Expert Bio

Gregory V. Diehl is an educator and personal development mentor whose ideals include self-inquiry, challenge, and analysis. He writes and teaches to assist others in undoing faulty narratives about their identities and how life works so that they may begin to make more meaningful choices and resolve their deepest burdens. Diehl spent many years studying cultures around the world and now lives a quiet life in a rural village in Armenia with his cats, books, and music.

Gregory’s latest business book is Everyone Is an Entrepreneur: Selling Economic Self-Determination in a Post-Soviet World. In it, he examines why entrepreneurship has been so slow to spread in post-Soviet cultures like Armenia, how it hinders individuals’ ability to improve their own lives, and how to fix it.

Contact Info and Social Media for Gregory Diehl

  • Primary website
  • Travels from: CARLSBAD, California

Resources Mentioned During the Interview

Below are key people, places, books, quotes, websites, and other resources we discussed so that you can explore further.

  • Olivier Wagner – If you are an American living abroad and need help with your taxes, click this link.

Published by Gregory Diehl

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